POV: You have two lives - the second begins when you realise you only have one.

Real talk?

Facing your fears may just be the most liberating thing you’ll ever do.

The truth is we’re never going to live a life free from fear. It’s a fundamental part of our human experience - something our brain is wired for and our heart runs away from. That’s why we avoid delving into the darkness and uncomfortableness that circles fear - it’s just ‘easier’ to not go there.

Let me be clear, this is not about being fearless. This is about finding the courage to look fear in the eye, uncover the message it’s gifting us and learn to walk through life holding hands with it. A choice to intentionally use fear as a catalyst for our greatest growth - to view it as a gateway to stepping boldly into big moments, slowing down to savour the simple things and everything in between. To get comfortable with being uncomfortable, turn dreams into reality, call in hope and possibility and to dance through life as if no one is watching.

Cue in Dare to Live.

Dare to Live will empower you to feel excited and ready to get out of your head, into your heart and do the damn thing.

Dare to Live


Sunday 17.08.25 ✦ 11am - 4pm ✦ Lightspace, Brisbane

When you’re dealing with real life blockages, you don’t just want to sit there listen to someone else’s success story or highlight reel.

So let’s drop our guards, share what’s really going on for us, embrace the messiness of life together, amplify our transformation by drawing on the palpable energy of the powerful women in the room, invite unexpected downloads to come our way, and witness magic unfold as we cheer eachother on to fear-less and live-more.

You’ll re-connect with the truest version of yourself through a profound breathwork and meditation with Dave (my incredible brother!); you’ll feel inspired by the realness and rawness of my lived experience of fear; you’ll make sense of it all through some of Brené Brown’s research on courage with Ali (my amazing mum who is also one of Brené’s trusted Certified Dare to Lead™ Facilitators); and you’ll alchemize your own fear into energy and action by working through our tested and proven three (3) step framework.

Are you ready to

Spend less time on autopilot and more time doing things that make you feel alive.

Let go of the strong grip fear holds on you, and set your mind, body and spirit free.

Trust your intuition and lean into something that makes you feel both nervous and excited.

We’ve got all the makings for some serious magic:


  • Lean into a five (5) hour immersive experience

  • Drop in through a profoundly powerful breathwork and guided meditation

  • Enjoy a delicious standing lunch with a glass of bubbles or wine (there’s a cash bar if you’d like more!)

  • Laugh, cry, deeply moved and motivated by Cassie and Ali’s Dare to Live Workshop

  • Work through a printed Workbook with our tested and proven three (3) step framework for moving through fear

  • Have the chance to win transformative experiences with Cassie’s most treasured healers, to raise money for Neuroendocrine Cancer Australia (a cause that’s obviously very close to her heart!)

  • Make meaningful connections with likeminded women, many of whom are destined to become special new friends

  • Walk away believing you can do hard things and feeling excited and ready to step more fully and fierecely into the you want to live

  • "I wish I had attended Dare to Live sooner - I walked in unaware of just how stuck I was, and walked out with an overwhelming sense of excitement for my future"

    Sarah ♡

  • "I cried in the first 10 mins, I don't think that's ever happened to me in a workshop before - the music and the breathwork really got me"

    Yeliz ♡

  • "From fear-full to fear-less... Dare to Live sparked a real shift in me and the way I navigate fear in my life. Thank you Cassie, Ali & Dave"

    Christina ♡

  • "The downloads were pouring in - my path feels so much more expansive, and I feel so enlightened. Can we do it all again?"

    Kady ♡

Let’s go a layer deeper, shall we?


  • Connect with others and yourself in a way you haven’t before.

    Imagine waves of oxytocin flooding your body as you immerse yourself in the palpable energy that comes with likeminded women doing conscious connected breathwork together in sync and to loud and state shifting music. Seriously powerful stuff.

    Your guided breathwork will drop you into a deep meditation and open the gateway to your truest essence - a part of you that you most likely haven’t connected with in a very long time. Dave will hold you in a state and space that invites some profound inner work to take place. It’ll feel easeful, emotional and energising all at the same time.

    With your eyes closed and without even talking, you’ll drop your guard and open your heart. You’ll return to yourself, capture your insights and treasure them forever… that, I promise.

  • Prepare yourself to feel, heal and re-write the next chapter your story.

    This is one of those sessions where I can’t say exactly what you’ll get out of it. We simply give you the scaffolding for a deeply personal journey… your mind, body and spirit takes care of the rest.

    For some, the Workshop set them on a new divine path, for others it nudged them onto a new career path. Some have re-evaluated what’s really important to them, others have walked away reassured that they’re on the right path. Some have started to take their health more seriously, others have begun parenting differently. Some leaned into a conversation they’ve been avoiding, others have since reconnected with someone who they’d lost touch with. Some are now playing it big; others are seeking solace in the small moments. Some use the sacred space as time to simply break the cycle of their everyday routine, others leave with a full cup after meeting likeminded women.

    What I can tell you is that my story and Brené Brown’s research is a formidable combination. Ying and Yang, Bonnie and Clyde type of stuff. Ali and I will walk you through a tested and proven three step framework (what is fear actually, trust and reframing for action) and you’ll capture your downloads (which will come through left, right and centre) in your Workbook.

  • Walk away with clarity around the decisions you’re going to make and actions you’re going so take, to live a life that excites you.

    Welcome back into your heart space. Gosh, it feels good to be here, doesn’t it?

    By removing distractions and intentionally placing yourself in this sacred space, you’ll tune back into what truly matters to you. And in doing so, you’ll invite your hearts desires and feelings to rise to the surface and guide your decisions and actions from here on out.  

    Now because my mum, brother and I love fiercelyand pour our hearts into the people and things we love (which from the moment you enter the door, includes you), we’ll do everything in our power to make sure you walk away feeling noticeably different to how you walked in. We’ve designed the experience in a way that helps you make sense of and become crystal clear around what to do with the pleather of downloads and ‘aha’ moments you’re going to have throughout the day.

    Our goal? A state shift. And these tend to come from moments of clarity… so that’s exactly what we aim to provide to you. Get ready to clear stagnant energy in your body, break free from limiting beliefs and be the author of your story!

Want to experience more break throughs in 5 hours than you would reading 50 self help books?

You’ve got lunchboxes to make, businesses to run, friends to see, exercise classes to get to, date nights to go on and deadlines to meet. You also prioritise your wellbeing, so need personal growth experiences that pack a punch. Don’t worry sis, I’ve got you.

Something magical happens when powerful women intentionally choose to step away from their busy lives and spend five unapologetic hours, pouring their heart and soul, back into themselves.

The energy circling the room is palpable, the vulnerability is infectious. The curious minds break down barriers, the open hearts deepen connection. And the comversations spark insight and the willingness to share creates ripples. Let’s come comes together to amplify our ‘aha’ moments and accelerate our transformation.

All the steps from start to finish.

  • You'll follow the prompts to register at our upcoming Dare to Live, because you're feeling nervous and excited about it - which means it's exactly what you need to do. You know this is an important action because you only get one life, so you want to do everything in your power to live it.

  • From the moment you step in the room, you'll feel held by Ali, Cassie, Dave and the women surrounding you. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll reflect. You'll experience 'aha' moments, motivation surges and feel a pull to open your lens to the awe and wonder that surrounds you.

  • Immediately after the event you'll be buzzing - almost like the vibration of your cells have shifted. In the weeks following the event, you'll witness more moments of magic than you have in your lifetime because you're fully open to recieving them. You'll probably make a choice or two that you wouldn't have before... I'm sure you're excited to see what those may be!

Meet the Guides by your Side

  • Cassie Lalieu

    Founder, She Believe

    Just over 18 months ago, Cassie’s world was turned upside down when she was diagnosed with metastatic Neuroendocrine Cancer. As a young, ‘healthy’ mum of 3 gorgeous humans, she was bulletproof… until suddenly, she wasn’t. Being forced to walk hand in hand with fear and face her mortality has dramatically changed the lens through which Cassie lives her life. And while her healing journey and quest for courage has a long way to go, she’s trusting her gut, following her heart, taking leaps of faith, and doing everything in her power to transform her story into one of enlightenment, pure love and wholehearted hope.

  • Ali Lalieu

    Certified Dare to Lead™ Facilitator

    Ali is a highly sought after Emotional Intelligence Executive Coach who was handpicked in 2019 to fly to Texas and be trained by Brené Brown herself, to become one of her global Certified Dare to Lead™ Facilitators. Ali has since dedicated her life’s work to helping people grow courage in their lives and leadership, and witnessed the magic Brené’s research invites for thousands of people globally. Most notably, Ali is Cassie and Dave’s mum; and through her lived experience of courage since Cassie’s diagnosis, she has formed a rawer, deeper, and more heartfelt understanding of Brené’s incredibly important and transformative work. 

  • Dave Lalieu

    Breathwork Practicioner

    Dave channels his sharman like energy and offers an array of transcendent modalities to help people find inner peace and harmony. He also owns and operates Banyula Zen, a tranquil space in the Noosa hinterland that offers 1:1 and group breathworksessions, meditation, yoga, ice baths, saunas, Ayurvedic massage, Zen Thai, acupuncture and community get togethers. A space that allows the physical to transpire; a place for connection and belonging - a physical form of what he strives to embody for anyone who crosses his path. So long as there’s people breathing, Dave will make a difference.

I’m now holding space because of Grace

Dare to Live was birthed in collaboration with ‘Holding Space With Grace’ in July 2024. The name Grace means goodness and generosity, which sums this remarkable women up beautifully! Not only did she believe in the power of my story, she encouraged me to share it in service of others; and in doing so, she opened my heart and my lens to so much more. While I believe that Dare to Live was always destined to come to fruition, Grace certainly accelerated the process.

The remarkable community she is creating and the way in which she is transforming women’s lives (and businesses!) through her awe-inspiring events is testament to her vision, passion, energy and impeccable eye for detail. A true trailblazer ♡

May I also credit all the Dare to Live images featured on my website to HSWG as well - they capture the magic so beautifully.

Ready to Dare to Live?
We ride at dawn!